Monday, September 22, 2014


I hope you learned your lesson. You are not going anywhere in life if you keep behaving the way you do. I can only pray to God Almighty that you will turn yourself around. Sure, you are only 17, but next year you will only be 18, and so on and so forth until you are an old lady like me. Except, I am a woman of God and you will have been walking in circles. There is no way you can call yourself a Christian. You have big holes in your ears and you are a liberal. You can not be a feminist unless you hate men and if you hate men they will never help you change The Way Things Are. Now you have Garrett saying he is a feminist and that is just not right, he is probably gay. Absolutely despicable the way this town is changing. It breaks my heart to see how confused you are. How is Blake? Does he regret what he did? Has he learned his lesson, unlike you? You know, he will be in alternative school the rest of the year. He was so smart. Such a shame what he has become. I cannot believe two of the valedictorians were arrested on school property. Oh, and now Scott, so that makes three. It is outrageous; I do not care how smart you think you are, you don not deserve to be on that stage. I do not care if you walk at all. At least they will not let you wear your chords. You may have the highest grade in my AP Lit class, but Laura Beth is getting the Achievement award for it. She was not arrested. Sure, she is catholic, but you cannot win them all. You know, Mr. Peoples told me about that letter you wrote him. We had to fundraise to get Sirran Stacey to come and speak here. What he said was inspirational. Everything he said about sluts and homos and all the rest of it was true, and he has the right to his opinion. I wish you would have at least let me proof read that letter, there were quite a few grammatical mistakes. You could do better, not that you should have done anything at all. Does your sister know about this? She told me about your family and they seem very nice. I do not know what made you become so rebellious, your mother and father obviously tried very hard. You have nothing to complain about. I don’t know why you are so angsty. That personal essay you wrote on “invisible illness” is not very moving. I feel like you want me to pity you but I don’t. Maybe it’s because Mrs. Freeman told me about your arguments in the AP Gov debate. Of course you were pro weed legislation and “pro abortion.” If you were aborted you would not have invisible illnesses. You could not advocate for abortion. You realize how stupid that is, right? You could not even have an opinion if you were aborted, and here you are campaigning for it. I do not care it was a class assignment, okay? That is offensive and disgusting and one day, you could miscarry a child and reconsider your thoughts on abortion. You know, God loves you. Whether you love him or not, God loves you. I don’t know why you are so rebellious. Bless your heart, this is just the way things are. You know we care about you. We are trying to help you. This is just the way things are. This is just the way things are. 

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