Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Jet brown hair

I'm not sure why this popped into my mind today but I began thinking about the time I was using a pay phone outside a Long Beach, California convenience store while a drunk man was telling the police about his belongings being stolen. Let me repeat, I was on a pay phone so that tells you this was more than a few years ago.

Anyway, the cop is trying to get the details without laughing at the convoluted way that the man was telling his story. The cop began with the basics - a description of the thief. The man didn't know where to start, other than the dude was white, so the cop asked him the color of the thief's hair. The man didn't know how to answer, which started this exchange.

Cop: Was his hair blonde?
Man: No, it was darker.
Cop: Was his hair black?
Man: Whatcha mean?
Cop: Was his hair, like, jet black?
Man: No. I'd call it jet brown.

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