Friday, September 5, 2014

Twenty five moving images about my life

Here is what I best remember from my life: 1. four years old – sitting in the kitchen 2. five years old – rolling down hill in a cardboard box 3. listen to my father tell jokes 4. skipping down main street 5. going to kindergarten 6. taunted bull 7. playing game of jacks 8. playing baseball 9. skipping home from school 10. going to church with grandmother 11. Simp and I picked plums 12. played game – In The Well 13. played piano at Mrs. Turk’s house 14. recited speeches at churches 15. read Humpty Dumpty books 16. visit my mother in the hospital 17. saw breathing dragon in my sleep 18. grandmother taught me The Lord’s Prayer 19. Moved to new neighborhood in 1967 20. stared into water 21. started new school in 1970 22. sitting in typing class 23. graduated from high school 24. started job at bank 25. went to junior college

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